Benefits of Fermentation – The New Old Style

Healthy living is usually associated with healthy food choices. In truth, there are various aspects involved in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition is one of them.

It is important for us to have the awareness and understanding to make the right choices of how, when, and what to eat.

In general, when compounds of food such as lectins or other carbohydrate binding proteins are not digested properly, they can be a trigger to inflammation in the brain or digestive tract. Therefore, we may think that the key to a successful health promoting diet is eliminating most foods. However, we should not blame the food for our problems as much as the function of the digestive system. So how does a healthy digestive system deal with hard to digest food? How is our body designed to react to food?

Fermentation, a natural process which has been done throughout the generations, is a key factor in aiding digestion. It has only been the last two generations with the advent of refrigeration and chemical preservation that fermenting has been sidelined. Through fermentation, vitamins and nutrients in grains and vegetables become bioavailable, enabling digestion.

Grains contain folinic acid (folic acid), methyl folate and other nutrients which are easily absorbed by the body following a fermentation process. Additionally, fermented vegetables contain a variety of nutrients and different types of probiotics which are imperative for a healthy functioning body. By getting the nutrients we need through the food we eat, it is not necessary for us to take vitamin supplementation.

Some individuals are not able to tolerate fermented foods well because the probiotics released from them can cause high levels of histamines. However, the probiotics in Beet Kvass (fermented beet juice) can actually be helpful and beneficial for them.

In general, eating sour dough bread and other fermented grains and vegetables provide us with many critical nutrients important to promote our health and wellbeing. It is one way to aid digestion and is an aspect included in maintaining a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition.

The information for this article is taken with permission from the EzraNCS course on physical health. To learn more about the EzraNCS clinic/future courses or to book an appointment click here for Israel office and here for the Monsey office.

About the author


Founder Ceo

Rivky Tikotzky - TK Health Club Team

Rivky Tikotzky M.Sc. has been studying health and nutrition for close to a decade. She currently works as a health practitioner to help heal physical and emotional conditions by accessing the root of the issue.

Benefits of Fermentation – The New Old Style - TK Health Club

Benefits of Fermentation – The New Old Style

Healthy living is usually associated with healthy food choices. In truth, there are various aspects involved in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition is one of them.

It is important for us to have the awareness and understanding to make the right choices of how, when, and what to eat.

In general, when compounds of food such as lectins or other carbohydrate binding proteins are not digested properly, they can be a trigger to inflammation in the brain or digestive tract. Therefore, we may think that the key to a successful health promoting diet is eliminating most foods. However, we should not blame the food for our problems as much as the function of the digestive system. So how does a healthy digestive system deal with hard to digest food? How is our body designed to react to food?

Fermentation, a natural process which has been done throughout the generations, is a key factor in aiding digestion. It has only been the last two generations with the advent of refrigeration and chemical preservation that fermenting has been sidelined. Through fermentation, vitamins and nutrients in grains and vegetables become bioavailable, enabling digestion.

Grains contain folinic acid (folic acid), methyl folate and other nutrients which are easily absorbed by the body following a fermentation process. Additionally, fermented vegetables contain a variety of nutrients and different types of probiotics which are imperative for a healthy functioning body. By getting the nutrients we need through the food we eat, it is not necessary for us to take vitamin supplementation.

Some individuals are not able to tolerate fermented foods well because the probiotics released from them can cause high levels of histamines. However, the probiotics in Beet Kvass (fermented beet juice) can actually be helpful and beneficial for them.

In general, eating sour dough bread and other fermented grains and vegetables provide us with many critical nutrients important to promote our health and wellbeing. It is one way to aid digestion and is an aspect included in maintaining a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition.

The information for this article is taken with permission from the EzraNCS course on physical health. To learn more about the EzraNCS clinic/future courses or to book an appointment click here for Israel office and here for the Monsey office.

About the author


Founder Ceo

Rivky Tikotzky - TK Health Club Team

Rivky Tikotzky M.Sc. has been studying health and nutrition for close to a decade. She currently works as a health practitioner to help heal physical and emotional conditions by accessing the root of the issue.