Ideas For Healthy Mishloach Manot
Jan 18, 2022 | Sarah Tendler BSc.
- Plastic divided box filled with baby tomatoes, veg sticks, tuna salad and whole wheat crackers
- Home-made cookies made from healthy fats and whole grain flour, cut into cute shapes
- Plastic divided box filled with egg salad, whole wheat pasta salad, carrot/cucumber salad
- Home-made vegetable/lentil soup and whole grain roll
- Whole grain Challah and bottle of water
- Divided box with egg salad, pickles and whole wheat crackers
- Home-made whole grain cookies along with a fruit such as apple or clementine
- Layered salad in a clear plastic cylinder container, e.g. lettuce, chopped cabbage, pepper, cucumber, tomato, corn
- Fruit Salad
- Package of whole wheat crackers and a small container of humus or techina
- Kugel made with good fat
- Yoghurt and granola/nut mixture
- Fruit/veg muffins made with whole grain flour and good fats
- Bottle of grape juice and bag of nuts
- To make it colourful, use colourful decorations, stickers or packaging, don’t use food colouring!