Basic Rules to Optimize Your Baby’s Health- Part 2

In my previous post, I listed the 5 rules to optimize your baby’s health from pre-conception to birth. In this post, I am going to begin to list the ways to optimize his/her health from birth through childhood.

Part 2 From Birth to childhood

In my previous post, I listed the 5 rules to optimize your baby’s health from pre-conception to birth. In this post, I am going to begin to list the ways to optimize his/her health from birth through childhood.

6) The Healing Power of Compassionate Touch

 Babies who are not held will wither and die. On the other hand,  a baby who is  touched, held, caressed, and given human warmth without limits will thrive. From the first time the infant is brought to the mother to be held and nursed , being rocked to sleep at night in his parents arms,to being held, comforted and calmed down when fearful or agitated, the infant’s  foundation is firm and secure in knowing that the world is a safe and loving place.

Although it is a parent’s instinct to hold the baby, we can enhance  and deepen the touch through two ways- Infant Massage and CranioBalance.  Studies have shown that babies that receive a daily infant massage have a stronger immune system and develop more rapidly . Mothers can bring their child to a massage therapist who specializes with babies and receive basic massage techniques to apply on their children. To learn about basic infant massage techniques check out the following useful links:

Infant Massage


CranioBalance goes  deeper than the infant masssage because the Cranio Therapist not only physically touches and holds the infant, but also tunes into the subtle gentle rhythms of the brain, spinal cord and the internal organs. By tuning into these rhythms, the CB therapist can feel and release restrictions in the body. When I am treating the child, the mother is amazed to see him go into  deep relaxation and eventually fall asleep as my hands follow the gentle rocking movement of the cranial wave. After seeing the results of a simple few sessions, helping relieve colic, high fevers, ear infections, torticollis, frequently the mother asks to learn to feel the cranial wave and apply this gentle healing touch at home to apply on her family. Many mothers even decide to take the CranioBalance courses to learn to treat more fully their friends and family. Whatever their decision,  parents who learn CranioBalance feel more empowered in taking control of their family’s health care and help strengthen the bonds with their children.

Articles about CranioBalance and the courses offered:

7) Safety First


Healthy babies are curious babies! Babies will explore the world through all their senses. They are enchanted by bright, shiny, colorful objects; whether it be images on a computer screen or the burning wood of a fireplace. They love to make sounds and are thrilled to crash pots and pans together to create a symphony of drums and cymbals. They need to experience everything through touch and seek to feel any and every object , whether it be their soft stuffed animal or the tail of their neighbor’s dog. And most of all , every object must be experienced through smell and taste, as they place into their mouthes the cool, sweet taste of ice cream with the same enthusiasm of shaving cream.

 Unfortunately, our children do not yet possess discernment. They will unknowingly endanger themselves and it is up to us , the parents, to protect them and prevent the avoidable dangers around the house.  Even though it is said that there is an angel hovering above every child , we should not rely on divine intervention but do everything in our powers to create a safe , healthy space for them. I included 3 links which cover proper babyproofing your home and surroundings:

 Finally, remember to always place your child in an approved child restraint in the car, and follow instructions according to the child’s age and weight. Never rely on holding a child on your lap, even for the shortest distances, because a short sudden stop could send the child out of your hands like a projectile into the windshield or dashboard. Below are 2 links to statistics regarding childhood accidents (of which many could have been prevented).

Written by Shmuel (Stuart) Berger, PT, Founder of CranioBalance

About the author

Basic Rules to Optimize Your Baby’s Health- Part 2 - TK Health Club

Basic Rules to Optimize Your Baby’s Health- Part 2

In my previous post, I listed the 5 rules to optimize your baby’s health from pre-conception to birth. In this post, I am going to begin to list the ways to optimize his/her health from birth through childhood.

Part 2 From Birth to childhood

In my previous post, I listed the 5 rules to optimize your baby’s health from pre-conception to birth. In this post, I am going to begin to list the ways to optimize his/her health from birth through childhood.

6) The Healing Power of Compassionate Touch

 Babies who are not held will wither and die. On the other hand,  a baby who is  touched, held, caressed, and given human warmth without limits will thrive. From the first time the infant is brought to the mother to be held and nursed , being rocked to sleep at night in his parents arms,to being held, comforted and calmed down when fearful or agitated, the infant’s  foundation is firm and secure in knowing that the world is a safe and loving place.

Although it is a parent’s instinct to hold the baby, we can enhance  and deepen the touch through two ways- Infant Massage and CranioBalance.  Studies have shown that babies that receive a daily infant massage have a stronger immune system and develop more rapidly . Mothers can bring their child to a massage therapist who specializes with babies and receive basic massage techniques to apply on their children. To learn about basic infant massage techniques check out the following useful links:

Infant Massage


CranioBalance goes  deeper than the infant masssage because the Cranio Therapist not only physically touches and holds the infant, but also tunes into the subtle gentle rhythms of the brain, spinal cord and the internal organs. By tuning into these rhythms, the CB therapist can feel and release restrictions in the body. When I am treating the child, the mother is amazed to see him go into  deep relaxation and eventually fall asleep as my hands follow the gentle rocking movement of the cranial wave. After seeing the results of a simple few sessions, helping relieve colic, high fevers, ear infections, torticollis, frequently the mother asks to learn to feel the cranial wave and apply this gentle healing touch at home to apply on her family. Many mothers even decide to take the CranioBalance courses to learn to treat more fully their friends and family. Whatever their decision,  parents who learn CranioBalance feel more empowered in taking control of their family’s health care and help strengthen the bonds with their children.

Articles about CranioBalance and the courses offered:

7) Safety First


Healthy babies are curious babies! Babies will explore the world through all their senses. They are enchanted by bright, shiny, colorful objects; whether it be images on a computer screen or the burning wood of a fireplace. They love to make sounds and are thrilled to crash pots and pans together to create a symphony of drums and cymbals. They need to experience everything through touch and seek to feel any and every object , whether it be their soft stuffed animal or the tail of their neighbor’s dog. And most of all , every object must be experienced through smell and taste, as they place into their mouthes the cool, sweet taste of ice cream with the same enthusiasm of shaving cream.

 Unfortunately, our children do not yet possess discernment. They will unknowingly endanger themselves and it is up to us , the parents, to protect them and prevent the avoidable dangers around the house.  Even though it is said that there is an angel hovering above every child , we should not rely on divine intervention but do everything in our powers to create a safe , healthy space for them. I included 3 links which cover proper babyproofing your home and surroundings:

 Finally, remember to always place your child in an approved child restraint in the car, and follow instructions according to the child’s age and weight. Never rely on holding a child on your lap, even for the shortest distances, because a short sudden stop could send the child out of your hands like a projectile into the windshield or dashboard. Below are 2 links to statistics regarding childhood accidents (of which many could have been prevented).

Written by Shmuel (Stuart) Berger, PT, Founder of CranioBalance

About the author