Spiritual Purim Tip

When we are faced with a health challenge, big or small, there are three questions we would all love to get an instant answer for:

  1. Who? Which doctor/healer/practitioner is going to be my shaliach?
  2. What? Which medicine/plant/ food/treatment will heal me?
  3. When? When will this all happen?

A Gemara in Avodah Zara mentions this threesome of who, what, and when. Apparently, it is all planned from Above, and no true healing can take place until the pre-ordained circumstances have been met. Nevertheless, our Rabbis have taught us a trick—that through the spiritual prescription drugs of teshuva, tefilla and tzedakah, our “mazel” can be changed.

A little tzedakah, an extra prayer, an extra reminder of Who is the True Doctor can get us places. Our Sages explain that these spiritual medications have the potency to speed up our healing process and make the who, what, and when less relevant. There will be greater blessing in the next practitioner we visit, the next food we eat, and simply stated, in the day called today.

My Purim tip to all my dear friends is to take advantage of the power of Purim. It is a day where prayers are especially heard, tzedakah is freely given, and light is turned to darkness. Our Sages teach us that somehow Purim is the beginning of all beginnings.

Before embarking on a healing journey, miniscule or overwhelming, remind yourself on Purim to hand the case over to the Healer of all Healers. It may just make the next remedy you take that much more powerful, and your healing journey that much sweeter.

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Spiritual Purim Tip - TK Health Club

Spiritual Purim Tip

When we are faced with a health challenge, big or small, there are three questions we would all love to get an instant answer for:

  1. Who? Which doctor/healer/practitioner is going to be my shaliach?
  2. What? Which medicine/plant/ food/treatment will heal me?
  3. When? When will this all happen?

A Gemara in Avodah Zara mentions this threesome of who, what, and when. Apparently, it is all planned from Above, and no true healing can take place until the pre-ordained circumstances have been met. Nevertheless, our Rabbis have taught us a trick—that through the spiritual prescription drugs of teshuva, tefilla and tzedakah, our “mazel” can be changed.

A little tzedakah, an extra prayer, an extra reminder of Who is the True Doctor can get us places. Our Sages explain that these spiritual medications have the potency to speed up our healing process and make the who, what, and when less relevant. There will be greater blessing in the next practitioner we visit, the next food we eat, and simply stated, in the day called today.

My Purim tip to all my dear friends is to take advantage of the power of Purim. It is a day where prayers are especially heard, tzedakah is freely given, and light is turned to darkness. Our Sages teach us that somehow Purim is the beginning of all beginnings.

Before embarking on a healing journey, miniscule or overwhelming, remind yourself on Purim to hand the case over to the Healer of all Healers. It may just make the next remedy you take that much more powerful, and your healing journey that much sweeter.

About the author