Low Fat Dairy and Weight Loss

May 13, 2018 | Yael Tusk, M.Sc.

With Shavuos around the corner, I would like to share some good news about dairy.

For years, I have been telling people that if they are going to eat dairy, whole fat products are better for you. Believe it or not, whole fat dairy is more healthful than low fat or skimmed milk products. Recent evidence shows that whole fat dairy products are not only better for you; they can actually help you lose weight. For once, you will be able to make your diet more healthful and tasty simultaneously!

For once, you will be able to make your diet more healthful and tasty simultaneously!

Numerous studies have found that not only is low fat dairy not good for you, but eating it can actually cause weight gain. Swedish researchers found that middle aged men who consumed high fat milk, butter, and cream were significantly less likely to become obese over a 12 year period of time, compared with men who never or rarely ate high fat dairy.

Another group of researchers who analyzed 16 studies found that: “Evidence does not support the hypothesis that high fat dairy foods contribute to obesity and heart disease risk. In most of the studies, high fat dairy was associated with a lower risk of obesity”. Another study in children found that a diet containing low fat milk was associated with more weight gain over time. The results of these studies were a real surprise to the researchers.

Also, high quality grass fed milk contains fat-soluble vitamins (ADE & K), if the fat is removed from the milk, the vitamins will go with them. There is reason to believe that even lesser quality milks may contain some fat soluble vitamins, but they will only be present, and absorbable if the milk actually contains fat. These vitamins are important for maintaining the health of teeth and bones. Without the fat soluble vitamins (and the fat), the calcium in milk will not be incorporated into the bones, but may actually end up in the wrong places, such as the kidneys (stones) or heart valves. This of course usually occurs only in middle-aged or older adults. Thus, whole milk products are not just better for kids, but for people of all ages.

How does drinking skim milk make kids (and adults) fatter? One explanation is that a diet lacking in saturated fats will cause sugar and carbohydrate cravings, and a lack of satiety, which will result in overeating in general. Grains and especially sugar are what make most people fat- they are not satiating and will have you searching for more to eat within a short time-period. Anyone who tries to boost their energy by drinking a cup of sweet juice will usually find that they crash rather quickly and are in dire need for more calories. Include more butter and whole milk products in your diet and your sugar cravings will diminish. Non-dairy fats such as coconut oil or nuts are also good for providing long-term satiety.

One explanation is that a diet lacking in saturated fats will cause sugar and carbohydrate cravings, and a lack of satiety, which will result in overeating in general.

Cream has been used as a health-food for centuries. Olympic athletes in ancient Greece would drink a bowl full of cream to give them strength and endurance before a competition. Cream was used in this manner because it stabilizes blood sugar for an extended period of time. A diet that is high in saturated fat will prevent ups and downs in insulin, (constant changes in sugar level in the blood stream can lead to insulin resistance and eventually may result in diabetes). If you include foods with saturated fat, such as butter, in your diet, this will stabilize your blood sugar and insulin levels and promote long lasting satiety and may actually help with weight loss.

A low fat diet, especially one containing a lot of sugar, can cause blood sugar imbalances and contribute to diabetes and hypoglycemia. One of the worst dairy products ever created, in my opinion, was fat-free or low-fat yogurt containing tons of sugar. Tremendous quantities of sugar are required to make fat-free yogurt palatable. Whole-fat yogurt tastes good even unsweetened, though adding some berries or whole fruit jelly may be necessary for some. In our house, we buy only full fat yogurts (plain). We’re also not afraid of butter, cheese or cream (for those who can tolerate and digest dairy). Butter and cheese will not clog your arteries.

A low fat diet, especially one containing a lot of sugar, can cause blood sugar imbalances and contribute to diabetes and hypoglycemia.

If saturated fat is not the cause of heart disease and obesity, what is causing the epidemic that we are experiencing today? In the 1920’s a new food was introduced which was free of cholesterol and saturated fat. Touted as a health food, modern society was duped into wholeheartedly embracing hydrogenated fats such as margarine and shortening. Trans-fats have recently been unmasked for their noxious properties, even being illegalized in food manufacturing in some U.S. states. These “factory fats” may have been the single greatest contributor to obesity and heart disease. They have been implicated in many other diseases as well. Diet is not the only thing that can trigger heart disease, however, as far as foods go, hydrogenated/trans-fats are not “heart-healthy”, while saturated fat need not be feared!

While whole milk is best for you, it goes without saying that organic goat’s milk, or organic grass-fed cow’s milk are far more beneficial (and albeit expensive) than what you will find on most supermarket shelves. At the very least, choose whole-fat dairy products for your family- they’ll thank you for it. And have a happy and healthy Shavuos!

Final notes: Foods containing heavy cream are very rich and not easy to digest. Do not eat them in excess. Sour foods (like lemon, grape-fruit or green apple) can help with the digestion of high-fat foods. Also note that overeating can cause weight gain, even if you eat the right foods. Follow the Rambam’s advice and eat until you’re ¾ full. Even on yomtov, there is no mitzvah of achila gasa.

Note: Yael’s book, Health a Natural Approach, is now available for purchase. Contact her at yaeltusk@gmail.com.

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Low Fat Dairy and Weight Loss - TK Health Club

Low Fat Dairy and Weight Loss

May 13, 2018 | Yael Tusk, M.Sc.

With Shavuos around the corner, I would like to share some good news about dairy.

For years, I have been telling people that if they are going to eat dairy, whole fat products are better for you. Believe it or not, whole fat dairy is more healthful than low fat or skimmed milk products. Recent evidence shows that whole fat dairy products are not only better for you; they can actually help you lose weight. For once, you will be able to make your diet more healthful and tasty simultaneously!

For once, you will be able to make your diet more healthful and tasty simultaneously!

Numerous studies have found that not only is low fat dairy not good for you, but eating it can actually cause weight gain. Swedish researchers found that middle aged men who consumed high fat milk, butter, and cream were significantly less likely to become obese over a 12 year period of time, compared with men who never or rarely ate high fat dairy.

Another group of researchers who analyzed 16 studies found that: “Evidence does not support the hypothesis that high fat dairy foods contribute to obesity and heart disease risk. In most of the studies, high fat dairy was associated with a lower risk of obesity”. Another study in children found that a diet containing low fat milk was associated with more weight gain over time. The results of these studies were a real surprise to the researchers.

Also, high quality grass fed milk contains fat-soluble vitamins (ADE & K), if the fat is removed from the milk, the vitamins will go with them. There is reason to believe that even lesser quality milks may contain some fat soluble vitamins, but they will only be present, and absorbable if the milk actually contains fat. These vitamins are important for maintaining the health of teeth and bones. Without the fat soluble vitamins (and the fat), the calcium in milk will not be incorporated into the bones, but may actually end up in the wrong places, such as the kidneys (stones) or heart valves. This of course usually occurs only in middle-aged or older adults. Thus, whole milk products are not just better for kids, but for people of all ages.

How does drinking skim milk make kids (and adults) fatter? One explanation is that a diet lacking in saturated fats will cause sugar and carbohydrate cravings, and a lack of satiety, which will result in overeating in general. Grains and especially sugar are what make most people fat- they are not satiating and will have you searching for more to eat within a short time-period. Anyone who tries to boost their energy by drinking a cup of sweet juice will usually find that they crash rather quickly and are in dire need for more calories. Include more butter and whole milk products in your diet and your sugar cravings will diminish. Non-dairy fats such as coconut oil or nuts are also good for providing long-term satiety.

One explanation is that a diet lacking in saturated fats will cause sugar and carbohydrate cravings, and a lack of satiety, which will result in overeating in general.

Cream has been used as a health-food for centuries. Olympic athletes in ancient Greece would drink a bowl full of cream to give them strength and endurance before a competition. Cream was used in this manner because it stabilizes blood sugar for an extended period of time. A diet that is high in saturated fat will prevent ups and downs in insulin, (constant changes in sugar level in the blood stream can lead to insulin resistance and eventually may result in diabetes). If you include foods with saturated fat, such as butter, in your diet, this will stabilize your blood sugar and insulin levels and promote long lasting satiety and may actually help with weight loss.

A low fat diet, especially one containing a lot of sugar, can cause blood sugar imbalances and contribute to diabetes and hypoglycemia. One of the worst dairy products ever created, in my opinion, was fat-free or low-fat yogurt containing tons of sugar. Tremendous quantities of sugar are required to make fat-free yogurt palatable. Whole-fat yogurt tastes good even unsweetened, though adding some berries or whole fruit jelly may be necessary for some. In our house, we buy only full fat yogurts (plain). We’re also not afraid of butter, cheese or cream (for those who can tolerate and digest dairy). Butter and cheese will not clog your arteries.

A low fat diet, especially one containing a lot of sugar, can cause blood sugar imbalances and contribute to diabetes and hypoglycemia.

If saturated fat is not the cause of heart disease and obesity, what is causing the epidemic that we are experiencing today? In the 1920’s a new food was introduced which was free of cholesterol and saturated fat. Touted as a health food, modern society was duped into wholeheartedly embracing hydrogenated fats such as margarine and shortening. Trans-fats have recently been unmasked for their noxious properties, even being illegalized in food manufacturing in some U.S. states. These “factory fats” may have been the single greatest contributor to obesity and heart disease. They have been implicated in many other diseases as well. Diet is not the only thing that can trigger heart disease, however, as far as foods go, hydrogenated/trans-fats are not “heart-healthy”, while saturated fat need not be feared!

While whole milk is best for you, it goes without saying that organic goat’s milk, or organic grass-fed cow’s milk are far more beneficial (and albeit expensive) than what you will find on most supermarket shelves. At the very least, choose whole-fat dairy products for your family- they’ll thank you for it. And have a happy and healthy Shavuos!

Final notes: Foods containing heavy cream are very rich and not easy to digest. Do not eat them in excess. Sour foods (like lemon, grape-fruit or green apple) can help with the digestion of high-fat foods. Also note that overeating can cause weight gain, even if you eat the right foods. Follow the Rambam’s advice and eat until you’re ¾ full. Even on yomtov, there is no mitzvah of achila gasa.

Note: Yael’s book, Health a Natural Approach, is now available for purchase. Contact her at yaeltusk@gmail.com.

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