An Inner Search

The Hebrew word for search, חפש, is the same root letters as freedom. In the spirit of checking our homes for Chametz and the subsequent Seder, I decided to share with you four of my Favorite Questions.

My hope is that you will check in with yourselves from time to time, and benefit from the inner freedom and peace that it brings. 

1. How am I feeling right now?

(Ideally take a deep breath in and out as you process the feeling.  Dare to stay with the feeling and the breathing for just one minute! )

2.  What is my body asking of me right now?

(Acknowledge it, even if you won't be following through.)

3.  How have I been kind and compassionate to my body today?

4.  What can I thank my body for doing for me today? 

May we be blessed with the courage to be honest and real with ourselves. And may our gentle searching bring us the inner dignity to experience true royalty and freedom.

About the author

An Inner Search - TK Health Club

An Inner Search

The Hebrew word for search, חפש, is the same root letters as freedom. In the spirit of checking our homes for Chametz and the subsequent Seder, I decided to share with you four of my Favorite Questions.

My hope is that you will check in with yourselves from time to time, and benefit from the inner freedom and peace that it brings. 

1. How am I feeling right now?

(Ideally take a deep breath in and out as you process the feeling.  Dare to stay with the feeling and the breathing for just one minute! )

2.  What is my body asking of me right now?

(Acknowledge it, even if you won't be following through.)

3.  How have I been kind and compassionate to my body today?

4.  What can I thank my body for doing for me today? 

May we be blessed with the courage to be honest and real with ourselves. And may our gentle searching bring us the inner dignity to experience true royalty and freedom.

About the author